How to set IP Address in windows 7/10 ?

 How to Set IP Address in my PC/Laptop ?

There are some procedure given below for the above mentioned topics. I hope it will be helpful for the beginner and school /college  going students , who wants to know about networking.

Case I:--IP Address Setting.

Steps 1:- a. Go to Start click on it  & select control panel.

              b.  Go to Start click on it & type control panel in search text box  then press enter.


Steps 2:- Click on Network and internet.


Steps 3:-  click on Network and sharing center.


steps 4:- Click on Change adapter setting


Steps 5:- Click on Lan adapter .


Steps 6:- Select and click  on Internet protocol version 4.


Steps 7:- Select radio button use the following IP address.


Steps 8:- enter the ip address and click on ok button

how-to-set-ip-address-in-windows 10

Case II:--IP Address Setting.

Steps 1:-Go  to start button click on it and type cmd in search text box then press enter.

how-to-set-ip-address-in-windows 7/8/10

Steps 2:- Type ncpa.cpl in cmd.

how to set ip address in my pc

Steps 3:- press enter after type ncpa.cpl and network adapter setting page open now follow the previous steps after this.


Case III:--IP Address Setting.

Steps 1:- Right click and select task manager.
how to set ip address in windows 7/9/10

Steps 2:- Select File then run new task.

how to set ip address

Steps 3:- type ncpa.cpl then click ok.

how to change ip address in windows 7/8/10

Steps 4 :-now earlier same window open and follow the same steps after that.

how to change ip address in my laptop


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