What is SDH Network in Telecom? | 2021 explained

 What is SDH Network in Telecommunication?

Short Form of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy is Known as " SDH".It is based on T-MPLS standard and implemented by international telecommunication union . SDH has used in telecom network  for transmitting voice ,video and data from access network over optical media. SDH technology is  also work as " SONET" in the United States. SDH transmission multiples multi lower order signals to the higher order signal (multiplexing) , and vice-versa (de-multiplexing). SDH Technology replace the earlier working PDH network.

Image of SDH Equipment:- Tejas MADM


Advantages of SDH Technology:-

1. Provide higher order signal.
2. Low delay and Jitter.
3. Resiliency to switch over after failover 50 ms.
4. High flexibility.
5. Network simplification implemented.
6. Available in-band management.
7. PDH integration and aggregation.
8. Multiplexing and de-multiplexing.
9. Interconnect multiple vendor machine.

Synchronization for SDH Node Elements.

All the SDH/SONET transmission nodes is synchronized to a same  Primary Reference Clock (PRC). That is tightly followed by the all nodes in the network without it many problems accures during PDH signals transmission This the main difference between PDH and SDH System. PRC signals  is passed on the node network through the traffic channel or BITS/GPS external ports.

 Multiplexing hierarchy of SDH Technology.

It multiplexes the different lower order signal to higher order signal , and vice-versa. SDH frame built with the STM signal. STM signal is the first level of SDH at 155Mbps and it is called STM-1.
Higher order signal determined by multiplying the STM-1x4.


Frame Structure of SDH Technology.

It has 9 rows and 270 columns. Total bytes in one STM frame is 9*270=2430 bytes. Frame transmission rate is 125 micro seconds.


KLM numbring in Tejas Equipment.

1. K range from 1 - 3.
2. L range from  1 - 7.
3. M range from 1 - 3

What is DCN in SDH Network?

Data Communication Channel short form " DCN" .It provide communication and control between management system and network system. DCN also provides in band communication.

What is an Ethernet ?

It is basically concept of computers communication over a shared shared cable as a broadcast transmission . It is sent like  a frame  so this is called Ethernet frame.

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